Fraunhofer Institute for Electronic Nano Systems ENAS
Within the project TREND, Fraunhofer ENAS is responsible for the coordination and management, visualization and demonstration of the defined challenges using the robotics available at the institute. Additionally, we are performing basic and advanced level research to develop sensors by using the inkjet printing technology along with suitable characterizations, develop the integration of the sensor on the robotic hand and validate/characterize the entire setup in situ. Together with the project partner Trivitec and with consultation of FPT, the robot learns machine level programs and routines. We will analyze the results and make necessary decisions in accordance to various in-process complexities and design, test and validate the Digital Tool Kit (DTK) for the robotics with the support of the consortium partners.
Homepage: Fraunhofer ENAS
Contact: Dr.-Ing. Kalyan Y. Mitra